
Plethora exploration project map

Uvbergs is an unexplored Ni-Cu-Co magmatic sulphide project located in Sweden. Recent drilling intersected ortho-magmatic Ni mineralization in 5 holes, with follow-up drilling planned to test EM conductive features. The property consists of 3 mineral exploration licences covering 9,180 hectares and can be accessed via roads throughout the year.


  • Uvbergs is a Ni, Cu, Co magmatic sulphide project located in Bergslagen region of Sweden.
  • Based on geological work over the past 4 years, the company has identified what it believes to be a highly prospective geological belt for Ni-sulphide discoveries, yet the belt remains mostly unexplored for this style of mineralization.
  • Geophysical surveys conducted by the company revealed a near-surface conductors coincident with historical workings from the 1600’s with high-grade nickel and copper mineralization. 
  • A 2,000 m maiden drill program in testing the conductors in 2022 intersected orthro-magmatic Ni mineralization in 5 diamond drill holes. 
  • Best drill results include 8.7 m @ 0.51% NiEq* including 0.9 m @ 3.29% NiEq* 
  • 7,000 m of drilling will test the depth and strike extent of mineralization, as well as EM conductive features identified by Plethora Exploration in an earlier down hole geophysics surveys, which are thought to be associated with mineralization. 


  • In the Bergslagen district, numerous historic high-grade Ni-sulphide showings hosted in mafic-ultramafic rocks have a geochemical signature suggesting a deep mantle source and age dates of ∼1.79 Ga.
  • At Uvbergs the drilling revealed a mafic-ultramafic body intruded into pyritic shist. 
  • The mafic-ultramafic body comprises multiple magmatic pulses, chaotic magmatic breccia textures and xenoliths of country rock, all indicators of a highly magmatic system prospective for Ni-sulphide formation.
  • Unmineralized samples with <1% sulphur content often display Ni depletion relative to their expected background silicate hosted Ni contents, suggesting that Ni may have been stripped from the system and present elsewhere as Ni-sulphide mineralization.
  • Mineralization observed in drill core within the mafic-ultramafic complex includes pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and skutterudite.
  • Multiple strong off-hole geophysical conductors, indicative of Ni-sulphide mineralization, were defined by follow-up downhole electromagnetic (EM) surveys. The identified conductive plates require drill testing in the next phase of work.

Access and Location

  • The property is situated 200 km northwest of Stockholm and can be accessed via roads throughout the year.

Land Tenure

  • The Property comprises 3 mineral exploration licences, together they total 9,180 hectares. The mineral exploration licences are 100% owned by Plethora Exploration. 
  • These mineral exploration licences are valid until 2025 and can be renewed based on sufficient exploration advancement.