
Plethora exploration project map

Oil Patch is a promising Carlin-style gold project in Nevada’s Nye County, easily accessible and with good infrastructure. Field work by Plethora Exploration has identified high-grade gold mineralization, with drill and trenching programs planned to test the extent of mineralization and lithological and structural traps. The mineralization occurs at the silicified boundary between the upper Devonian Guillemette Formation and Tertiary volcanics, with significant mineralization in gold-bearing karst breccias. The project is located in the historic Railroad Valley oil and gas district and comprises 289 contiguous mining claims covering 2,416 hectares, all 100% owned by Plethora Exploration.


  • Oil Patch is a Carlin-type gold project located in Nye County, Nevada 
  • Easily accessible with good infrastructure and in a world-class mining jurisdiction 
  • Field work conducted by Plethora Exploration has demonstrated high-grade gold mineralization in the highly prospective Devils Gate rock formation. Surface trenching results included: 72.0 m @ 0.23 g/t Au and 30.0 m @ 0.30 g/t Au, including higher grade zones up to 3.7 m @ 1.43 g/t Au
  • Mineralization remains open and untested in both directions along the trenches. Geological mapping and sampling suggests the potential for an extensive Carlin-style gold system. 
  • Serval large, high-priority, multi-element soil anomalies remain untested. 
  • 6,000 metres of drilling and further trenching is planned to test the thickness, strike, and depth extent of the gold mineralization discovered in the 2022 trenches, as well as testing lithological and structural traps for higher grade zones. 


  • The mineralisation at Oil Patch is located at the silicified boundary between the upper Devonian Guillemette Formation (Devil’s Gate Limestone) and the overlying unconformable Tertiary volcanics. 
  • Silicification occurs as decalcification of the upper Devil’s Gate limestone and formation of jasperoids as well as moderate to strong silica flooding found primarily in the overlying volcanic units.
  • Trenching in 2022 targeted the soil anomaly and the angular unconformity. The trenching indicates that gold-bearing karst breccias adjacent to the angular unconformity host significant mineralisation and provide a large tonnage gold target. It also confirms the soil anomaly is representative, and a good indicator of buried mineralization. 

Access and Location

  • Located in Railroad Valley – a historic oil and gas district in Nevada with existing infrastructure.
  • Oil Patch is accessible by car along Route 6, which heads SW from Ely and is 120 km SW of Ely and 150km from Tonopah. Access to the licence area is via an off-road track and the full extent of Oil Patch is accessible by 4WD vehicle or ATV.

Land Tenure

  • Oil Patch comprises 289 contiguous mining claims all within BLM ground covering a total area of 2,416 hectares. The claims are valid until November 1st, 2023, and can be renewed on a yearly basis. Claims are 100% owned by Plethora Exploration.